The :id parameter is either the voucher id or a voucher code (but not the redemption_url) of a voucher.

Voucher States:

  • valid, which is the starting state for all vouchers,
  • redeemed when a user has bought a domain with the voucher,
  • expired when the voucher reaches its expiry date without being used
  • cancelled after you have invoked cancel on the voucher.

Voucher fields:

  • id: the string you will normally use to identify the voucher with the API.
  • state: one of the four states listed above
  • created_at: the ISO8601 time when the voucher was created
  • first_viewed_at: if not null, this is the ISO8601 time when the voucher link was first viewed
  • cancelled_at: if not null, the ISO8601 time when you cancelled the voucher
  • expires_at: the time the voucher will expire if not used. Vouchers always have an expiry time, and you can control it when you create the voucher, via the days_valid parameter.
  • config: if you have multiple voucher configurations, this is the name of the configuration the voucher was issued under.
  • partner_price: the amount (in US dollars) Hover will charge you when the voucher is used.
  • tlds: a space-separated list of domain extensions the voucher can be used with.
  • callback_url: a URL where you can be notified when a voucher has been successfully redeemed.
  • metadata: returned only if stored with the Voucher at the time the Voucher was created, and optionally available on a per Partner basis by request.

Note that the following fields are null until the voucher is redeemed:

  • hover_order_id: The ID of the order in Hover's database (e.g., 2736101)
  • domain_name: The domain name the voucher was used for. (Note that a customer may buy more than one domain in the order, but only one of them is associated with the voucher).
  • redeemed_at: The ISO8601 time when the order was completed
  • hover_username: The user's Hover username
  • connect_param_value: If you are sending a parameter to auto-configure the user's domain on Hover's DNS servers, this is the value you sent us.
  • domain_expires_on: The date the domain will expire if not renewed in yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • connected: Whether the domain is connected via your Connect template. Either true or false.
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